December 15: Advent Christmas Potluck
/A wonderful Nativity program by the children! Do you know of kids who don’t have a home church and want to be part of a Christmas play! All are welcome! Rehearsal times are listened below. Invite friends and family and don't forget to stay for delicious food at the potluck! The rehearsals will be:
December 14 time 9:30-11:30 am
December 15 before service (tentative)
November 21: Book Group Meeting
/The meeting will be held at 7 pm to discuss “Hidden Figures” by Margaret Lee Shetterly. The book (and movie) chronicle the accomplishments of 3 Black women who worked for NASA in development of our space program and were known as ‘human computers’.
November 17: Pre-Advent Workshop
/This will take place during coffee hour following 10:30 worship on Sunday, November 17th. This is a hands-on Advent learning event for all ages; with activities in which children can participate together with a parent. Advent candles for home, cookie decorating, quilt blocks, hints and helps to incorporate faith practices at home. Hot cocoa, fellowship and goodies to enjoy!