December 15: Advent Christmas Potluck

A wonderful Nativity program by the children! Do you know of kids who don’t have a home church and want to be part of a Christmas play! All are welcome! Rehearsal times are listened below. Invite friends and family and don't forget to stay for delicious food at the potluck! The rehearsals will be:

  • December 14 time 9:30-11:30 am

  • December 15 before service (tentative)

November 21: Book Group Meeting

The meeting will be held at 7 pm to discuss “Hidden Figures” by Margaret Lee Shetterly. The book (and movie) chronicle the accomplishments of 3 Black women who worked for NASA in development of our space program and were known as ‘human computers’.

The three amazing women and actresses who portrayed them: left - Mary Jackson played by Janelle Monáe; center - Katherine Johnson played by Taraji P. Henson; right - Dorothy Vaughan played by Octavia Spencer

The three amazing women and actresses who portrayed them: left - Mary Jackson played by Janelle Monáe; center - Katherine Johnson played by Taraji P. Henson; right - Dorothy Vaughan played by Octavia Spencer

November 17: Pre-Advent Workshop


This will take place during coffee hour following 10:30 worship on Sunday, November 17th. This is a hands-on Advent learning event for all ages; with activities in which children can participate together with a parent. Advent candles for home, cookie decorating, quilt blocks, hints and helps to incorporate faith practices at home. Hot cocoa, fellowship and goodies to enjoy!

October 13: Equal Exchange Coffee and Chocolate Sales

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Don’t forget! The second Sunday of each month is when fairly traded products from Equal Exchange are available for purchase after worship; coffee beans, ground coffee and chocolate will be for sale.

From the Equal Exchange website: The easiest way to support authentic Fair Trade is to purchase fairly traded products from small farmers. Your actions as a consumer support or discourage actions by businesses. By making the choice to buy fairly traded products, you help provide health care, education and technical training for farmers, workers, and artisans around the world. By supporting Equal Exchange, you join a movement to reclaim the food system – to make it better for farmers, consumers and the earth.