PCCoA’s “Meals on Wheels” Volunteer Signup Page
Trinity is helping Meal on wheels with delivering food to those who could really use it during these hectic times. If you are at all interested in joining this Program please feel free to follow the steps below to sign up.
Step 1: Background check To ensure the safest environment for deliverers and receivers background checks are necessary. And as the new year greets us some background checks are no longer up to date. If you are unsure if you need to renew your background check you can ask if you need to fill a new one by contacting Susan Bohm(509-332-9276) or The Office(509-332-1985)(9am-1pm).
If you prefer Filling out Physical forms, the Button on the Left will allow you to download the Background check form Provided By Meals on Wheels for your own printing. If you fill out the form Physically please turn it into the TLC Office Or send it to Susan Bohm before January 28th.
If you would like to Fill out the form and submit it online the Button on the Right will take you to the forms website.
Step 2: Guidelines For “MoW” Delivery
The guidelines that we will be following this year should still be rather similar to years past. To Get a full set of guidelines for the “MoW” Delivery Schedule Click the Button below or you can stop by the Office to Get a Physical Copy.
Step 3: Signing up for Delivery Routes
Lastly is signing up for which days and delivery routes your interested in. Please keep in mind that it is first come first served. This year will have an increased amount of deliverers for a few days of the Program, however you can fill the positions that you are interested in as normal.
Below is a button that will lead to the “MoW” sign up page. Once you click on the link you should be redirected to a site with 9~ days to choose from. Click the day you are interested in and click the green sign up button. The site will ask you to sign in, don’t worry. Just “continue with email” and type your preferred email when it asks then continue. The sign up will ask a few more questions, then just click “save and done”.
*Be Aware you will not be permitted to deliver if you do not have an up to date Background Check*
We are so grateful that you would take your time to help us feed those who need a little help. If you have any Difficulty accessing any resources or are confused, Feel free to call the Trinity office(509-332-1985) or Get in contact with Susan Bohm. (509-332-9276)