Trinity Pullman Online for June 27th!

Good morning all! Here is your Trinity Online Worship as we continue to walk with Jeremiah.  Just when he thinks events can't get any worse they do. Step by step the Babylonian Empire exerts its power over Jerusalem and the Jewish people, wave after wave of exiles carted off to Babylon. But in the midst of that...a small sign of hope. "Hey Jeremiah," says God, "you know that land owned by your cousin....go ahead and buy it! you'll be farming again soon."

Remember that NEXT SUNDAY we will once again be in the sanctuary.  "A glimmer of HOPE that this strange year is coming to an end...."

Trinity Pullman Worship and Joyful Noise for June 20th!!!

Good morning! 

Here is today's Joyful Noise video, doing something a little different today so I hope you all enjoy!

Thank you,



AND the story of Jeremiah continues.  Today the Prophet hears a word that won’t be popular,” You were hoping these current misfortunes (the Exile) were going to be short….not so. Better settle in and put down some roots in your new home.  Pray for the city in which you find yourself…”  Those words have broad implications for the shape of Christianity too….

Blessings on your week and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!

Pr Wes


Joyful Noise and Online Worship for June 13th!

Here is Joyful Noise and your Online Worship!

Here is this Sunday's Joyful Noise video. I hope you all enjoy today's sing-along to Jesus Loves Me!

 Thank you!


And Our Online Worship continues to delve into the story of Jeremiah!  Today the prophet is once again trying to get through to the King,  but POWER seldom wants to be corrected or told it can’t do as it wishes.  When a verbal word doesn’t work, Jeremiah sends a scroll…but the King dramatically burns each section  as it is read….

 Have a wonderful weekend.

Pr Wes

Online Worship and Joyful Noise for June 6

Hello All!

Here is your Joyful Noise and Online Worship for June 6th!

Good morning!

Here is this Sunday's Joyful Noise video- He's Got the Whole World in His Hands - A classic song that I hope some of you are familiar with! Hope you all enjoy!

Thank you,


In our worship today God takes Jeremiah out into the artisans quarter and teaches him a lesson using very practical visuals. Potters and Clay! This is Israel...this is YOU. Molded formed, reworked...if something messes up...don't worry...we'll keep at it. 

A subtle but important message is made:  there is nothing wrong with the clay!  We/Christianity went down an odd and unhealthy path when we started thinking that there is something intrinsically WRONG with people or creation. The Old Testament is clear: We are, and continue to be, made in God's image. We simply make bad choices which can be unhealthy for us, those around us, or creation itself.  Clay and potter means we are never "finished" but always worked and re-worked, and bear God's fingerprints.

May 23! Pentecost Online Worship for TLC Pullman!

Here is this week's Joyful Noise! We are the Church

Thank you for watching and I will see you all next week!


AND YOUR ONLINE WORSHIP! Today is Pentecost Sunday....on the Jewish Calendar, 50 days after Passover. For Christians it is the Day when God basically said, "OK Folks! Now it's time to get Jesus' Message and Ministry out into the WHOLE world! Our Narrative Lectionary takes a welcome shift from the usual Acts 2 text. Saint Paul is talking to the Galatians, a Celtic people in central Turkey. How does one convey the Divine to people who have NO background in Judaism? They understand SPIRIT...the Wind, Energy, Life , Breath of the Divine giving life to all things. Saint Paul uses that to convey the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Worship and Joyful Noise for May 9th!

A blessed Mother's Day to All!

Here are your WORSHIP ONLINE offerings for this weekend!  Joyful Noise from Kristina Gaumnitz and our Sunday Online Worship:

 Here is this week's Joyful Noise video- A rhythm game with the song Faith that's Sure! 

 This week our narrative Lectionary gives us an account of how he saw events around the Jerusalem Council Luke talked about last week from Acts.

 Have a wonderful weekend!

 Your Trinity Team!

Trinity PullmanOnline 2021

Hello and Welcome to Trinity Pullman's Online Worship!

This Sunday our Narrative lectionary has all the strands of story from the last few weeks coming together: 

Jesus teaches and carrys out his ministry in Galilee

The Road leads to Jerusalem where he is Accused, Tried, Executed.....but then GOD says YES! to all he is and he is resurrected. far it is all in the context of Judaism. Will the Followers of Jesus remain a Jewish sect....or... ?

Greek Speakers want the windows cracked

An Ethiopian Eunuch asks to be baptized...and is brought in

Peter has a dream...and then welcomes in a Roman

Paul and Barnabas find out Gentiles are touched by the Word and Promise of God

TODAY there is a special decide...

WELCOME!  Literally....WELCOME!

Trinity Online for April 25...From Synod!

This Week-end is Synod Assembly and as a special Gift we have been given a Worship Service for ALL the people of the Gathering to be a part of. The theme is WATER...and our Narrative Lectionary for Sunday also has the Ethiopian Eunuch telling Phillip, "Here is water...what is to prevent me (block, hinder, hold back) from being baptized..." NOTHING! 


Trinity Pullman Online April 18th!


2. Hello All! Here is your Trinity Online Worship for Sunday, April 18th! The story continues as the Followers of Jesus begin to evolve as a movement.  Many things about what Jesus teaches challenges mainline Jusaidsm, but it could have also stayed a sect of that faith as well. Would new ideas and new people, new languages, new ethnic backgrounds...


Easter Continues!

Hello and WELCOME to Trinity Pullman's Online Worship for April 11th.

And here is your Joyful Noise time with Kristina!

Thank you to everyone who participated and viewed last week's Easter video! Here is this week's Joyful Noise- taking it easy this week with a sing-along!

The resurrection story continues. That very day, two unknown followers of Jesus are walkling to an unknown place. They are crushed by the events of Jesus' betrayel and execution.  They've heard about the resurrection...but just can't bring themslves to believe it. On the road they are joined by....JESUS! But they don't recognize him...



Easter at TLC Pullman!

We have TWO WAYS to celebrate! PARKING LOT WORSHIP AT 10:30am! or Online!

Christ is Risen! Risen Indeed! Welcome to Trinity Pullman's Online worship for Easter Sunday, 2021! We have also included a second link to a wonderful presentation by our Joyful Noise Children of Arky Arky!  Happy Easter to All!

Joyful Noise Arky Arky! Here is the Easter video! Have a wonderful Easter day, and thank you to everyone who participated. Enjoy! 

Online worship:



Easter Eve!


We invite you to light a candle at Sundown. In the Ancient World the new day began when at Sunset. In this very ancient service we go back into the Old Testament and see ways which God has acted as a Savior through time…


Words for Worship:


As we gather as a church family, we remember how Jesus passed from death to life and we share stories as we wait for Easter day. We share our favorite stories of heroes in the Bible and heroes in our own lives. We keep vigil and invite God to be with us as we wait. 


Let us pray. 

O God, you give us light, fire and hope for the future. Be with us as we wait for Easter. Be with us as we wait for healing and hope for our world.


The Light of Christ!


Thanks be to God!


A Story of Salvation from the Bible: watch this video or read the story in your own Bible…


Noah's Ark  Genesis 8






Have a wonderful Easter day, and thank you to everyone who participated. Enjoy! 


Our time of waiting is over! It is time to prepare our hearts for Easter. We invite you to read the surprising story about the empty tomb. ..


Story of Mary Magdalena at the Tomb   


Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. 

Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?' She said to them, 'They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.' When she had said this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?' Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary!' She turned and said to him in Hebrew, 'Rabbouni!' (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, 'Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." 'Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the Lord'; and she told them that he had said these things to her.


Let us pray.

Life-giving God, in the mystery of Christ's resurrection you send light to conquer darkness, water to give new life, and the bread of life to nourish your people. Help us be witnesses to your Son's resurrection so that we can share your message with the world


 Share this blessing and a sign of peace:

May God help you live in harmony with one another.

May God bring you healing, joy and peace.

The God of all grace + bless you now and forever.


 You are invited to Celebrate and Prepare:


Have A Bible Party…In the Second Century, Bishop Hippolytus celebrated Communion by adding foods of the Promised Land to the Wine and Bread. Milk and Honey: Two cups of milk warmed slowly, stirring,  with ¼ cup of honey. Allowed to cool.  Then add whatever you might have in stock, traditionally…Olives, Grapes, Cheese, Bread, Wine, Grape Juice,


Have a casual little buffet and decorate (or finish decorating) your place. Color some eggs…whatever!


Tomorrow we have Parking Lot Worship at 10:30 am (bring a Lawn Chair if you wish!  Kids are invited to join Pastor “sprinkling “ cars as they enter the lot! Bring Potted flowers to add to the Prayer Garden color!

Good Friday Worship from TLC Pullman and our Region One Leaders

YouTube Video:

We welcome you to this Good Friday service, shared with you by the bishops of Region 1 of the ELCA. You are encouraged to find a comfortable place to sit, light a candle, warm oil or burn incense. Because this service is pre-recorded, you are welcome to participate as much or as little as you choose. It is our prayer that this time set aside on this holiest of days will remind you not just the price paid for our redemption, but the vastness of the love that was willing to accept that cost. Gather, knowing that others from all over our region gather with you to wait, watch, and pray.

Bishops of Region 1

1A: Bishop Shelley Wickstrom, Alaska Synod

1B: Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee, Northwest Washington Synod

1C: Bishop Rick Jaech, Southwest Washington Synod

1D: Bishop Kristen Kuempel, Northwest Intermountain Synod

1E: Bishop Laurie Larson Caesar, Oregon Synod

1F: Bishop Laurie Jungling, Montana Synod

Musicians for this Service

Rev. Jason Asselstine, Assistant to the Bishop for the Montana Synod

Rev. Kim Peterson, Pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, Choteau MT