May 23! Pentecost Online Worship for TLC Pullman!

Here is this week's Joyful Noise! We are the Church

Thank you for watching and I will see you all next week!


AND YOUR ONLINE WORSHIP! Today is Pentecost Sunday....on the Jewish Calendar, 50 days after Passover. For Christians it is the Day when God basically said, "OK Folks! Now it's time to get Jesus' Message and Ministry out into the WHOLE world! Our Narrative Lectionary takes a welcome shift from the usual Acts 2 text. Saint Paul is talking to the Galatians, a Celtic people in central Turkey. How does one convey the Divine to people who have NO background in Judaism? They understand SPIRIT...the Wind, Energy, Life , Breath of the Divine giving life to all things. Saint Paul uses that to convey the GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT!

Have a wonderful weekend.