Holy Trinity Worship!
/Hello All! Here is your worship service for June 7th, Holy Trinity Sunday!
The Narrative lectionary will have us diving into the Book of Job this month. You can begin reading ahead if you wish! Not an easy book because it brings up as many questions as it solves... but it is wonderfully honest and paves the way for real questions for real life.
But, today, our sermon comes to us from our Churchwide Bishop, Elizabeth Eaton. During this week of anxiety, turmoil and challenge she wanted to reach out to you all as your pastor, which she is. Imagine being pastor of 5.5 mllion people.
Andrei Rubleyev created a wonderful Ikon of the Trinity. You can Google the image. The delightful thing about this ikon is, like the book of Job, it doesn't really answer questions, but it reveals a God who is, at God's deepest core, one of relationship, and has a place for YOU at the table.
A happy and blessed Trinty Sunday to you all!
Pastor Wes
Pentecost Trinity Online!
/Blessings All you Beloved!
Here is your worship for Pentecost!
Our usual team have their parts....but we have also added a special Musical Expereince. AND as a special treat a ZOOM recording of a number Trinity folk doing the Scripture story in a variety of languages.
Remember that when the Holy Spirit rushed into the disciples lives She gave them the gift to be able to tell the good news of God's love in people's own tongue..... We are made ONE by God's care and love, not by becoming cookie cutter folk, but by celebrating EACH gift and dancing in relationship with all.
Pastor Wes
A Worship Service from Our Bishop! May 24th!
/Hello Beloved Trinity Folk!
Here is your worship for this Week-end; provided by our Bishop, Kristen Kuempel, the Synod Staff and Musicians scattered across our Northwest Intermountain area! Enjoy hearing a different voice with a Good News for each one of you!
Next Sunday is Pentecost! Wear red on Sunday Morning...red PJ's if that floats your boat! The Holy Spirit, God's energizing, life giving wind presence is EVERYWHERE!
Needed now, more than ever! Real Love! Worship for May 17th
Here is your Worship Service for May 17th from Trinity Lutheran!
Saint Paul’s Ode to Love is often used at Weddings but he saw it as the key to Healthy Community….that, in a divided and contentious setting,
WE become the Change we want to see! Saint Paul…via the Message and then personalized
I'm bankrupt without love.
Here’s your attitude!!
Love ( I will) never gives up.
Love (I will) cares more for others than for self.
I won’t want what I don't have.
I won’t strut,
Won’t have a swelled head,
Won’t force itself and my opinions on others,
I am not always "me first,"
Won’t fly off the handle,
Won’t keep score of the of others mistakes,
Won’t revel when others grovel,
I WILL take pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Will put up up with anything,
Trust God always,
Always looks for the best in others
Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.
Online Worship for May 10th ....Corinth!
/Saint Paul's Journeys take him to rough and tumble Corinth, a port city that has quite a reputation. How this intersects with Mother's Day....I'm not quite sure.
The Narrative Lectionary folk have a wry sense of humor...
God’s Peace as we delve beyond just "following the rules" into the more challenging but satisfying world of living "In Christ".
Albert Schweitzer wrote: The morality we have lived by was fragmentary only. We must abandon it in favor of the complete, all-embracing love expressed in “reverence for all life.” Reverence for life gives us the full chord, the harmony. By practicing reverence for life we are in a spiritual relationship with the universe; we are in harmony with it. (Albert Schweitzer, Thoughts for Our Times, pp. 10-11)
Online Worship for May 3!
/Following our narrative lectionary, God's story has been centered in the Middle East and the Jewish people. With Jesus we traveled from Galilee to Jerusalem.
Last week we were with Peter and John at the Temple... now, Paul takes up the Journey and, with Silas, moves across into Greece....into Europe. The Gospel is on the move!
So, put yourself in a Rick Steves, traveling attitude, from the comfort of your home, as we join Paul in Thessalonika. As Christians we are a pilgrim people...
You are also welcome to join us on Sunday morning from 10:30 to 11:30am for our ZOOM Coffee Hour. Same number and code as last week. We will send out a reminder email on Sunday morning.
Worship for Easter Three! April 26th
/A Good and Blessed Weekend to you all! Here is the weekly Worship from your Trinity Worship Team!
On this blustery weekend, find a quiet moment, light a candle, pour a cuppa and let yourself sink into Worship
Remember to watch for the link coming out for Zoom Coffee Hour, tomorrow from 10:30 to 11:30. We wanted to extend deep word of thanks to all who have continued to support Trinity solidly during these troubled times.
We also very much understand that there are those at Trinity who are under financial stress at this time.
Blessings to all!
Easter Morning!
/Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed! And since we see a number of friends from Saint Petersburg and Moscow (the Real one) are watching: Хрїсто́съ воскре́се! Вои́стин воскре́се!
Light a candle and have a bowl of water ready....
Our Easter worship is in TWO LINKS. The first is Song, Story and Prayer . The second is a special really cute little ensemble done by Kristina Gaumnitz, Audrey Dunnington, Sophie, Lucy and Violet Collins!
An amazing Holy Week acclamation of thanks to David, Jill and Kate Schneider, to Julie Wieck, numerous Trinity kids for artwork and other members for photos.
Easter Vigil for Saturday Night
Easter Vigil
Vigil of Easter
We invite you to light a candle at Sundown. In the Ancient World the new day began when at Sunset. In this very ancient service we go back into the Old Testament and see ways which God has acted as a Savior through time…
Words for Worship:
Words for Worship:
As we gather as a church family, we remember how Jesus passed from death to life and we share stories as we wait for Easter day. We share our favorite stories of heroes in the Bible and heroes in our own lives. We keep vigil and invite God to be with us as we wait.
Let us pray.
O God, you give us light, fire and hope for the future. Be with us as we wait for Easter. Be with us as we wait for healing and hope for our world.
The Light of Christ!
Thanks be to God!
Christ, the light of the world, bring us healing. Let your light drive away darkness and fear. Help us see you in each other, in the sunset and sunrise, and in all of our struggles. Be with us. Amen.
Stories of Salvation from the Bible: watch these videos or read the stories in your own Bible…
Noah's Ark Genesis 8
Freedom from Slavery in Egypt Exodus 14:15-31
Daniel in the Lions Den Daniel 6:17-29
Song of Faith: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (sing along with Jill and Dave)
Our time of waiting is over! It is time to prepare our hearts for Easter. We invite you to read the surprising story about the empty tomb. ..
Story of Mary Magdalena at the Tomb
Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb.
Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb; and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet. They said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?' She said to them, 'They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.' When she had said this, she turned round and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping? For whom are you looking?' Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, 'Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.' Jesus said to her, 'Mary!' She turned and said to him in Hebrew, 'Rabbouni!' (which means Teacher). Jesus said to her, 'Do not hold on to me, because I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God." 'Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, 'I have seen the Lord'; and she told them that he had said these things to her.
Let us pray.
Life-giving God, in the mystery of Christ's resurrection you send light to conquer darkness, water to give new life, and the bread of life to nourish your people. Help us be witnesses to your Son's resurrection so that we can share your message with the world
Share this blessing and a sign of peace:
May God help you live in harmony with one another.
May God bring you healing, joy and peace.
The God of all grace + bless you now and forever.
You are invited to Celebrate and Prepare:
Have A Bible Party…In the Second Century, Bishop Hippolytus celebrated Communion by adding foods of the Promised Land to the Wine and Bread. Milk and Honey: Two cups of milk warmed slowly, stirring, with ¼ cup of honey. Allowed to cool. Then add whatever you might have in stock, traditionally…Olives, Grapes, Cheese, Bread, Wine, Grape Juice,
Have a casual and light hearted buffet with some of these foods, or add whatever you wish...and decorate your house for Easter, dye eggs, or something fun!
We now prepare for Easter Day!
Good Friday at Home
/Welcome to Good Friday
Sit in a darker room with a couple candles. Put a cross or a crucifix on the table. Take a few minutes to sit in silence before you begin
Once again our Thanks to Jill Schneider, Kate Schneider, Julie Wieck, Dave Schneider and Collins children for the amazing artwork.
Pastor Wes
Online Worship! Song, Prayer, Bible and Sermonette
/Hello Trinity Folk and Friends!
Maundy Thursday 2020
ON this night Jesus gathers with his disciples. Knowing what is to come, he gives a gift, Holy Communion.
On this evening a special service has been put together by our Bishop, Kristen Kuempel, so you can celebrate communion at home.
Included on this link are all the instructions you will need.
She even, thoughtfully, provided a Communion Bread recipe so you can make this an even deeper experience by making the bread you use.
And here is the MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP from TRINITY. You can use this Story and Message on it’s own or Connected to the Bishop’s Service.
God bless you dear friends!
Pastor Wes God bless you dear friends!
Pastor Wes
Second Sunday Giving!
/The Women's Ministry Committee invites you to put "Second Sundays" on your calendar for giving to the local food banks. Below are some of the high-demand items for local food banks. Please consider bringing the following to the donation cart in the Narthex.
Second Sunday Food Bank donation suggestions:
March 8: canned fruits and veggies
April 19: (3rd Sunday, since April 12 is Easter Sunday): breakfast foods (boxed cereals, oatmeals, muffin mixes)
Relax. Refresh. Rejuvenate.
You can accomplish all of these things at the Lutherhaven Women's Retreat! Get together with "the girls" March 20-22 and head up to Lutherhaven for a great weekend themed Tune My Heart based on Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." At Lutherhaven's Women's Retreat, the choice is yours, whether that's screaming down the zip-line, spending some time at the spa, getting a massage, taking a walk by the lake, being poured into by speaker Sarah Salzberg, spending time with friends, or simply doing some professional napping. You choose! To learn more about this great activity, contact Jill Elbracht at funesmiles@aol.com.