Trinity Online Sunday School! Being Called!
/Hi all! I know this is "Sunday School" and it is targetted toward children and families, but a lot of adults are getting a kick out of it too. Try it out for fun!
Today our Narrative Lectionary takes us to the Shores of The Sea of Galillee (Genesseret). Jesus is preaching and healing and getting pressed by a crowd that is starting to turn a bit rowdy. He sees some fisherfolk with a boat and decides to use that as a pulpit.
The story flows from there and after it all Jesus says to the Fishers..."Hey! Come along with me!"
When Jesus says, "Follow Me!" he is literally saying, "Join me on the Road!" "Come along and hang out with me!" And as they do they slowly begin to discover what Jesus is all about, and what God is up to.
Experience and living with, leads to deeper understanding! Following Jesus isn't like a class at school where you learn and learn and then have a test. In the church we learn by doing.
What is YOUR favorite thing we do in church? A lot of the confirmation class recently said, "Potlucks with games and activities!" Things like the drum circle, pancake races, eating different food, meeting new people, and making things. WOW! Think about, and talk to your family about things you learn in church events. Things like, "All are welcome. It's fun! We all have something to add." And the list goes on.
We are glad you are "On the Road" with us, and with Jesus, as we walk through life....always learning and growing.
Pr Wes