Online Trinity Worsip/Joyful Noise and Sunday School for December 6

Here is our Online Worship for December 6th....Joel. About 100 years after people returned from Babylon things still weren't all that great. A series of natural disasters (drought, locusts and plague) had people wondering if God was punishing them. No, no, no, says Joel...God simply wants you back and create a life where God is center.

JOYFUL NOISE Here is the link for the Joyful Noise video today! I big thank you to everyone who participated in the Advent video, I am so excited for you all to see the final project!

Otherwise, here is the link for this week's video- God is so good.

We have been with the prophets now for a few Sundays.  They were Holy men and women who spoke for God; calling people back into a good relationship with God and each other. Those promises were deep in people's minds, so that when Jesus was born people looked back and said, "Ah! That's what they were talking about."  Jesus was called, Emmanuel,which means, "God is with us". No longer separated by misunderstanding or our deciding that OUR way was best. Jesus becomes our best "window" as to what God is all about.

Think about all you know about Jesus; what he was like...who did he care for. What was his number one message?