Online Sunday School MOSES!

Online Sunday School !


Find the story of Moses in your “Children’s Bible” (Exodus 1)


+Baby Moses is saved from the Nile River and becomes an Egyptian Prince

+Moses stands up for his people and is thrown out of Egypt

+Moses hears God in the Burning Bush, “Go and tell Pharaoh to let my people go!

+Pharaoh will NOT let them go so God sends Plagues: Nile River red as blood, frogs, flies, skin disease, hail, locusts and more.  YUCK!

+Finally Pharaoh lets them go and they run for the Promised land!   FREE!

Questions for discussion: 

What is the WORST job around the house that you can think of?

Taking out Garbage?

Cleaning Toilets?

Sometimes we don’t like to do these jobs but we do because we are part of a family and everyone needs to pitch in.  

Imagine if you were picked on, so that ALL the worst jobs were ones you HAD to do!

Here is our Sunday School Video for this week!